Quicklinks to Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) related to Human Resources.

Articles (34)

Amending the Employee Handbook

As the needs of ICC and its employees change, and as the relevant laws change on the federal, state, or local levels, it may be necessary to amend the Employee Handbook.

Children in the Workplace

ICC provides many opportunities for children to be on campus, either through campus events or scheduled programming. Because, work areas within the College may present a variety of potential dangers to children, employees with children are expected to arrange childcare away from the work site. Employees’ children will not be permitted in the work areas unless it is for College for Kids activities or planned holiday events. Further, children should not be allowed in classrooms and laboratories.

Deceased Employee

Illinois Central College follows standard procedures in the event of the death of an employee to ensure appropriate notification of various departments, that the family is supported, and that the employee’s record is adjusted and secured accordingly.

Deceased Student

In case of a student's death, Illinois Central College provides support to the family, ensures proper notification to various departments, and makes necessary adjustments to secure the student's record. This standard is in place to ensure that all departments fulfill their tasks with compassion and sensitivity when dealing with the death of a student.

Dispute Resolution

Illinois Central College recognizes that in the best interest of its employees an internal procedure and process is desirable for the hearing and resolution of complaints and other problems arising out of employment in a prompt, fair and orderly manner. This Dispute Resolution Procedure is designed, therefore, to provide for a means of communication and redress for disputes which may arise in matters of general administration, working conditions, and the rights of employees as they relate to the

Drug Free Workplace Program

The use of drugs undermines the quality and safety of job performance, endangers co-workers, and brings discredit to Illinois Central College and its community. Therefore, it is the policy of Illinois Central College that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, transfer, dispensation, purchase, sale, possession, or use of or being under the influence of a controlled substance on the job, in a job status, while attending business-related activities, or on College property is strictly prohibited a

Employee Corrective Action – Progressive Discipline

All employees are expected to meet performance standards and to conduct themselves appropriately in the workplace. When an employee fails to maintain acceptable standards of performance, service, and/or conduct, formal corrective action may be necessary to ensure that individuals operate in a manner to achieve the College’s institutional goals and objectives. Prior to issuing corrective action (discipline), managers are required to investigate the issue.

Employee Recognition Event

The employee recognition event is designed to recognize employees for exemplifying the College’s institutional values and culture and promote excellence in service at Illinois Central College (ICC). The procedure ensures a consistent approach is followed for promoting, nominating, and selecting employee-award winners.

Employment Planning and Requisitions

Department managers are required to collaborate with their Cabinet member and the Human Resources Department to develop a strategic staff planning model to ensure that a department has the right number of people with the right skills to fulfill business needs, taking into account internal and external changes.

Employment Separations (Offboarding)

This procedure provides guidelines for employment separations from Illinois Central College and is intended to ensure that the College fulfills its responsibilities in relation to all separations. Details regarding employment separation are located in the Corrective Action – Progressive Discipline and Employment Separation sections in the Employee Handbook and/or in the Carpenter Union Contract or Faculty Forum Contract.

Ethics and Ethics Commission

The Illinois General Assembly has enacted the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (codified at 5 ILCS 430/1-1 et seq.) (herein “Act” or “Ethics Act”), which is a comprehensive revision of State statutes regulating ethical conduct, political activities and the solicitation and acceptance of gifts by State officials and employees.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Under the FMLA, eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in the designated 12 month period for the following reasons: For a serious health condition, to care for the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent, who has a serious health condition. For incapacity due to pregnancy, prenatal medical care, or childbirth.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Illinois Central College offers a Flexible Work Program, which accommodates non-traditional schedules for employees where the quality, quantity, and timeliness of department services and productivity will not be adversely affected.

Gift Ban

Accepting gifts and entertainment can cause a conflict, or the appearance of a conflict, between personal interests and professional responsibility. Employees should not accept any gift from a supplier, potential supplier, government agent, or other third party as a means toward influencing or directing the decision making process related to employment, contracts, licenses, audits, accreditation, or programs.

Health Insurance Eligibility

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that, beginning January 1, 2014, employers with 50 or more full-time employees to offer health coverage to those employees. The ACA classifies employees as “full-time” employees if they work at least thirty (30) hours per week on average or 130 hours of service as the monthly equivalent of 30 hours of service per week.

Leave Sharing Program

The ICC Leave Sharing Program allows eligible employees who have exhausted all accrued paid time off leaves and are experience a catastrophic medical emergency, illness or injury to receive sick leave hours donated from other ICC employees.

Mandated Reporter (Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act)

It is the policy of ICC to be in full compliance with The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, Public Act 97-0711. The Act requires mandated reporters to immediately report suspected child abuse to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).

Military Leave of Absence / Reemployment

ICC grants leaves of absence to eligible employees serving in the uniformed services, including but not limited to the United States Armed Forces or National Guard and Reserves, for periods of active service military training, mobilization or deployment. ICC complies with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) and any applicable state laws. Military leave is granted for both voluntary and mandatory service.

Minimum Faculty Qualification (MFQ)

In compliance with Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) credentialing requirements for teaching faculty, all full time and part time (adjunct) faculty at ICC are required to meet minimum qualifications prior to hire.


ICC is committed to maintaining an environment in which learning and discovery take place in a professional atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. While the College respects the privacy of its employees, ICC recognizes that there exists an opportunity for the inappropriate use of power, trust, or authority. Certain relationships in the work and educational setting either by family, marriage, domestic partnership, or a consensual relation have the potential to compromise, or appear to compromise

Pay Adjustments

ICC is committed to maintaining salary levels that are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Human Resources is responsible for policy guidance and administration of its compensation programs. Achieving the goals of institutional affordability and also equitable, fair, and market competitive compensation is a responsibility shared by ICC leadership and Human Resources.

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

The purpose of the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is to assist managers and employees in
addressing and resolving performance concerns through a documented process.

Performance Management

The purpose of Illinois Central College’s performance management process is to ensure that employees perform work that accomplishes the business needs of the College, employees’ work aligns with the strategic goals of their department and the College’s institutional strategic objectives, employees clearly understand the quality and quantity of work expected, employees receive ongoing information about how effectively they are performing relative to expectations, and to provide opportunities for

Planned Administrative Retirements

In order to plan for smooth transitions of administrators who are retiring, administrators under the scope of this standard will be required to give six months’ notice of their retirement date. This notice allows the college to conduct a search and hopefully provides some transition time in response to planned administrative retirements. It is in the best interest of the College to have planned transitions of these key leadership roles.

Pre-boarding and Onboarding New Hires

The Human Resources Department manages all pre-boarding and onboarding activities for new hires. All pre-boarding documentation (including official transcripts, education verification, background and reference checks, and drug screen results) must be submitted to Human Resources before new employees prior to the hire date

Return to Work

Illinois Central College provides temporary modified-duties for employees who are partially disabled due to work related illness or injuries as long as this will not cause any harm to the employee, others, or college property. Each department will attempt to temporarily accommodate employees who cannot perform the basic duties of their job, while on restrictive duties as defined by a physician.

Smoke-Free/Substance-Free Workplace

Smoking and/or use of tobacco or cannabis products is prohibited on all premises and property of Illinois Central College and the Education Foundation Student Residence, LLC, including but not limited to, all land, buildings, facilities and college-owned or controlled vehicles. As a condition of employment, Illinois Central College requires that employees adhere to a strict policy regarding the use, possession, distribution, manufacture, and sale of illegal drugs, cannabis and its derivatives

State Universities Retirement System (SURS)

The State Universities Retirement System (SURS) is the retirement administrator for employees in public higher education in the State of Illinois. Participation is mandatory for those eligible. Upon eligibility, participants make a one-time, irrevocable election among three available retirement benefit plans. Benefits in retirement depend on assigned Tier and plan election. See the SURS website for full details.

Tuition Reimbursement

Eligible employees may request to take coursework that is related to their current position or a position that may advance their career at ICC at other accredited colleges and universities. Tuition costs for approved and successfully completed coursework may be reimbursed by ICC up to an annual maximum.

Tuition Waiver

In order to provide a means for educational development and to encourage individuals to upgrade their skills and/or educational experience, individuals meeting eligibility requirements who enroll in credit courses at the College may have their tuition waived.

Vacant Position Posting and Recruitment

Illinois Central College is an Affirmative Action and an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to ensuring a fair, inclusive, and equitable recruitment of employees that result in the appropriate match of skills, knowledge, experience, and job requirements for an employment position.

Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA)

The Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) allows eligible employees unpaid leave to address the domestic or sexual violence by seeking medical attention or counseling for injuries or psychological trauma, to obtain victim services, to relocate, to seek legal assistance, or to participate in a related court proceeding.


Illinois Central College encourages qualified volunteers, regardless of sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other protected status, to assist with college sponsored events or activities. The College recognizes that volunteers participate in these events of their own volition, without promise, expectation or receipt of compensation for services rendered, and appreciates the generosity of individuals who donate their time.

Worker Classification Employee or Independent Contractor

The College engages the services of consultants and independent contractors (non-employees) on a short-term, temporary, or part-time basis. A consultant or independent contractor is not an employee and therefore not eligible for College benefits.