How to Access and Install Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft 365 Education Edition

Currently enrolled students have access to Microsoft Office 365 Education Edition:

  1. Visit the following page: Microsoft 365 for Education
  2. Enter your ICC student email address
  3. Select "I'm a student -->"
  4. Complete the identity form, including the code sent to your ICC Student Email
  5. Click 'Skip' when asked to send invitations
  6. You will then be logged into the Office 365 Dashboard

Accessing Microsoft Office 365 Web Applications

  1. Go to and if you're not already signed in, select Sign in
  2. Sign in using your network login followed by "" for students” for employees (e.g. and your network password.
  3. To access other Office programs (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint), click on the “waffle (square of 9 dots)” in the upper left corner.
  4. Select the program you want to use.
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