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The purpose of the Course Fees Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to ensure a standardized and consistent approach is used in the setting and updating of all course fees.
Illinois Central College (ICC) relies upon several calendars, which are developed by multiple stakeholders including the Board of Trustees, the Executive Cabinet, the Academic Calendar Committee, Student Services and Financial Aid, and Academic Affairs. Developing these calendars and coordinating their alignment are critical for student success.
The purpose of the Syllabus Review Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to ensure compliance and consistency across all academic departments. The Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement provides that full-time faculty submit their section syllabi to the academic Dean by the end of the first week of the term. This standard also applies to adjunct faculty.
All ICC employees are expected to devote their working hours to their primary job responsibilities at the College. Teaching, if not part of their primary job responsibilities, should be rare, but encouraged, if the need arises. Time away from an individual’s regular work assignment to teach should not disrupt or adversely affect their departmental and specific job responsibilities.
Learn about Credit for Prior Learning, and download the Credit for Prior Learning Guide.
To build out the dates in PeopleSoft for the Semester (Term Dates) the following process will be followed by utilizing the Establishing Term and College Academic Calendars Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). To set a standard process for the semester schedule production timeline.
This standard provides the processes and procedures available to the College for course placement of students that have attended an accredited four-year institution.
Illinois Central College will schedule courses based on the academic calendar that conforms to the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and to the regulations outlined by the Department of Education to be eligible to offer Title IV funds (financial aid). All courses will be held within the defined term dates as approved by the Board of Trustees and outlined by each beginning date and ending date.
The College publishes an academic schedule based on data informed student need. Student Success Advisors and faculty advisors advise students on enrolling in courses designed to meet the student’s academic plan to completion. Communication between Student Success and Academic Affairs divisions is the most critical component in effectively meeting student needs during the enrollment process. A joint meeting between the two divisions (the Academic Leadership Team, “ALT”) is held prior to each
Illinois Central College supports academic programs that maintain Third-Party accreditation. The steps included in this procedure are to ensure all faculty and staff responsible for academic programs that have Third-Party accreditation maximize College resources.
The purpose of the Grade Appeal Procedure is to afford a student the opportunity to appeal a grade if the student feels that the grade is not representative of their performance according to the instructor’s specified grading standards or system.
The Catalog Addendum is an online document that represents the academic requirements for an academic year that include curriculum updates after the Catalog and Student Handbook have been published in March of each year. The document serves as the permanent record for students entering a program of study. The purpose of the Catalog Addendum is to provide academic-related curriculum updates to all stakeholders.
The adjunct advisory committee recommended that adjunct faculty should receive compensation for “mandatory meetings”. This has been interpreted as meaning “authorized” or “approved” by a dean or college administrator. The compensation was established as being $20.00/hour