Authorized Adjunct Faculty Meeting Pay

Department: Academic Affairs
Effective Date: 8/1/2022
Revised Date
Cabinet Approval Date: 8/3/2022
Next Review Date: 8/1/2025
Policy: Compensation
Responsible Cabinet Member: Vice President, Academic Affairs
Approved By: Sheila Quirk-Bailey 

Operational Standard/Purpose

The adjunct advisory committee recommended that adjunct faculty should receive compensation for “mandatory meetings”. This has been interpreted as meaning “authorized” or “approved” by a dean or college administrator. The compensation was established as being $20.00/hour. This SOP describes the processes by which this compensation is identified, approved, and paid.


This standard applies to all part-time (aka, adjunct) faculty who teach credit courses within the Academic Affairs division. Full-time faculty, instructors in non-credit units, and dual credit teachers who are directly employed by K-12 school districts are not covered by this standard.


Authorized Meeting: Meetings that are pre-approved by academic deans or college administrators. Meetings that are compensated through other means (e.g., participation in grant meetings when stipends or release time is awarded) do not qualify for authorized meeting compensation. Examples of allowable meetings under this standard include joint committee membership/participation, department meetings, training or professional development (not compensated through incentives or tuition reimbursement), and orientations.


The account used to disburse the Authorized Adjunct Faculty Meeting Pay will be within the Academic Affairs accounts and not distributed by department.

The established pay rate for authorized meetings is $20.00 per hour and is subject to ICC recordkeeping standards. Some conditions apply:

  1. Meetings with multiple adjunct faculty in attendance will be paid uniformly for all attending. For example, if a department meeting lasts for 1.5 hours, those attending will be paid for 1.5 hours regardless of whether the individuals arrived early or stayed late.
  2. Some training may have predefined limits which will be noted in advance of the training. For example, a selfpaced online training on campus safety may be capped at 1 hour whereas some individuals may complete it in 30 minutes or others in 90 minutes. In both cases the pay will be for 1 hour.
  3. All adjunct faculty, including those who may also work as part-time employees are limited to 29 hours of work per week. Paid meeting hours are included within that 29-hour limitation. As an example, an adjunct faculty member who teaches the maximum 12-12-6 (30 ech for the year), the limit of additional meeting hours is generally 5-8 hours of meeting per month. This is a rule of thumb for the deans and departments. Please consult with Human Resources for specific limitations for individual circumstances.

Submitting pay reporting for authorized adjunct faculty meeting pay will be done through the Campus Solutions reporting system. HR will provide adjunct templates for completion of this reporting.

  1. If departments are hosting meetings, they will provide a sign-in sheet that clearly provides the printed name and signature for meetings. The heading will include the meeting name, purpose, date, time, and number of hours to be paid for that meeting. These sign-in sheets will be maintained by the department office and used to compile the pay authorization report. Reporting of time is done in 15-minute increments.
  2. For other authorized meeting pay (division, collegewide, professional development), similar recordkeeping will be used and forwarded to the departments to be included in the pay authorization report.
  3. Adjunct faculty participation in college joint advisory committees is encouraged and will be compensated
    1. Adjunct faculty must inform their dean of committee membership by the beginning of a semester or upon acceptance of membership, whichever is soonest.
    2. Adjunct faculty must provide a single monthly summary of their committee participation to their dean by the end of each calendar month.
  4. The departments submit a summary report of adjuncts and meeting pay totals by the 5th of the following month.
  5. Meeting pay that is reported by the 5th will be paid at the end of the month. A missed reporting deadline will result in the meeting pay being delayed to the following month.
  6. In cases where a separation occurs, reporting the meeting pay owed must occur as soon as possible, off-cycle. This will need to be a manual entry by Human Resources.
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Article ID: 9744
Sun 8/28/22 5:12 PM
Thu 9/21/23 3:33 PM