Includes information about the Academic Support Center, Testing Center and other campus resources.
Students can schedule both in-person and online tutoring using the MyWCOnline registration system. View our available times. Make your appointment at least 2 hours in advance!
A Bookstore Charge Account is available to students who need assistance purchasing their required books and supplies from the ICC Bookstore.
Find information on technology requirements, access services, and other learner support services.
Find information on how to complete your E-Consent Activity Guide and your Student Financial Agreement.
Learn about Credit for Prior Learning, and download the Credit for Prior Learning Guide.
Don't let financial worries hold you back—let's make your college dream a reality. Connect with our campus financial navigator today.
Find How to Filter the Course Schedule for Zero Textbook Cost Courses
Read about MyICC eForms Workcenter. Includes definitions, navigation tips, and submission information.
Do you need to take an exam or quiz outside of class time? Your instructor can make arrangements for you to take your test or quiz under the watchful eye of our Testing Center staff.
Learn about the Professional Judgement Policy administered by the Office of Financial Aid.
The E-Consent agreement allows students to choose to do business electronically with Illinois Central College. This includes having communications and records provided or made available in electronic format and allowing students to complete transactions using electronic means or signatures.
The Student Financial Agreement outlines the terms of the financial responsibilities and obligations associated with enrolling in classes at Illinois Central College.
Learn how to enroll in classes using MyICC App.