Reverse Transfer Degree

Department: Registrar
Effective Date: 8/24/2021
Revised Date:
Cabinet Approval Date: 8/24/2021
Next Review Date: 8/23/2024
Responsible Cabinet Member: VP Student Success
Approved By: Sheila Quirk-Bailey 

Operational Standard/Purpose

The purpose of the Reverse Transfer Agreement is to allow former Illinois Central College (ICC) students who have completed at least 15 hours of transferrable coursework, prior to transferring to an Illinois state, public college or university, the ability to apply for an associate degree at ICC.


This standard affects former ICC Students who have completed at least 15 hours of transferable coursework prior to transferring to an Illinois state, public college or university and impacts staff in the following departments at ICC: Registrar, Transcript Evaluation, Graduation, and Institutional Research.


  1. Eligibility: The reverse transfer of credit option is available to a student who is currently enrolled in an Illinois state, public college or university and has:
    1. Transferred to the Illinois state, public college or university from or previously attended a community college;
    2. Earned at least 15 credit hours of transferrable course work completed at a community college (Student does not need to complete 15 credit hours of the last 30 at ICC);
    3. Earned a cumulative 2.0 GPA from ICC;
    4. Earned a cumulative total of at least 60 credit hours for transferrable course work successfully completed at the student’s current or previously attended post-secondary institutions; and
    5. Submitted a request to the Illinois state, public college or university at which the student is currently enrolled.
  2. Opt-in Process: The opportunity to opt-in may be made at enrollment or any time thereafter while enrolled at the Illinois state, public college or university. Credit from multiple community colleges and state universities can be used. The opt-in process varies by institution. Students should visit their college or university’s reverse transfer website for information on how to opt-in at that institution.
  3. University Responsibility: Once a student has opted-in at their current university, the university notifies students who meet the requirements about their process to reverse transfer of credit. The university will also notify ICC and transfer student information via an official transcript or a Reverse Transfer Data Sharing platform (ex. National Student Clearinghouse.)
  4. ICC’s Responsibility: After receiving the student information, ICC’s Transcript Evaluation and Graduation staff will review and evaluate the student’s transcript and degree audit to see if the student has the number of credits required to receive an associate degree.

    Within 30 business days after receiving all required information, ICC’s transcript evaluation staff will notify both the student and the state university via email whether the student meets requirements for an associate degree. In the rare case that the associate degree was awarded prior to the reverse transcript review process, the student’s official transcript that includes the awarded degree will be sent to the State university free of charge.

    The associate’s degree will be officially awarded during the semester of the current term graduates’ certificates and degrees are conferred.

    Once the degree is conferred, ICC Graduation staff will contact Institutional Research so they can indicate in their reporting to the National Student Clearinghouse that the award was received via the Reverse Transfer Agreement process.

Additional Provisions/Information

Students transferring back coursework from their Illinois state, public college or university will be eligible to receive one transfer degree from Illinois Central College: either an Associate in Arts degree or Associate in Science degree.

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