Quicklinks to Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) related to Administration & Finance.

Categories (1)


Quicklinks to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) related to Purchasing.

Articles (6)

Administrative Calendar

The Administrative Calendar ensures the College has a complete list of all activity for a full calendar year.

College Procurement Guidelines

The purpose of this procedure is to clearly define the College Procurement Guidelines, processes, and best practices. This procedure applies to all employees who procure items or render services on behalf of the College.

Course Fees

The purpose of the Course Fees Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to ensure a standardized and consistent approach is used in the setting and updating of all course fees.

Records Management

Illinois Central College uses a systematic records management process that ensures compliance with legal and regulatory record keeping requirements.

Vehicle Rental and Charter

The purpose of this procedure is to define the process by which an individual requests use of a college fleet vehicle, driver, and/or is approved to operate a vehicle in connection with their college responsibilities.

Vehicle Use and Driver Approval

This procedure applies to all employees, students, volunteers, or others who operate or request use of college-owned or leased vehicles, or any other vehicles used for college-related business.