The Illinois Central College Upward Bound program is a TRIO college preparation program funded by the United States Department of Education. The mission of Upward Bound is to motivate and support first-generation, low-income high school students in pursuit of a college degree.

Student Demographics

Citizenship Status
Citizenship Status

Student High School Information

Current Grade
Current Grade

Parent/Guardian Information

Does your parent/guardian have a bachelor's degree?
Does your parent/guardian have a bachelor's degree?
Does the student and parent/guardian share address information?
Does the student and parent/guardian share address information?
Source(s) of income
Source(s) of income

Additional Parent/Guardian Information

Does the student and parent/guardian share address information?
Does the student and parent/guardian share address information?
Does this parent/guardian share address information with the previous parent/guardian above?
Does this parent/guardian share address information with the previous parent/guardian above?
Source(s) of income
Source(s) of income

Household Information

Does the student qualify for free/reduced lunch and textbooks at school?
Does the student qualify for free/reduced lunch and textbooks at school?

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code