Department: Academic Affairs |
Effective Date: September 2023 |
Revised Date: |
Cabinet Approval Date: September 20, 2023 |
Next Review Date: September 2026 |
Policy: |
Responsible Cabinet Member: Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs |
Approved By: Sheila Quirk-Bailey |
Operational Standard/Purpose
The Catalog Addendum is an online document that represents the academic requirements for an academic year that includes curriculum updates after the Catalog and Student Handbook have been published in March of each year. The document serves as the permanent record for students entering a program of study.
The purpose of the Catalog Addendum is to provide academic-related curriculum updates to all stakeholders.
Academic Affairs and the Chief Academic Officer, with input from faculty and administration, own the catalog addendum. The document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract. Illinois Central College makes every reasonable effort to determine the catalog is accurate when published. However, the College reserves the right to change, modify, or alter without notice of any kind and further reserves the right to add or delete without notice any course offering or information contained in the catalog. Such changes become effective whenever the College deems necessary and apply not only to prospective students but also to those currently enrolled.
ICC currently operates on a one-year timeline in regard to Catalog of Record. However, curriculum updates require the need for a Catalog Addendum. Items in the Catalog of Record Addendum cannot negatively impact a student. The list below outlines what can and cannot be included in the Catalog of Record Addendum. If there is an item not included in the list, or there is concern regarding the inclusion of an item, the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs (EVPAA) will determine if the item can be included.
Curriculum items that CAN be included:
- Added:
- A new stackable certificate that meets the following criteria:
- New certificate academic program that has not been previously offered.
- The new certificate academic program must comprise of existing courses at the college and the existing courses are up to date in the Catalog of Record.
- The program must be a stackable/embedded program to an existing academic program that is financial-aid eligible.
- Includes, Curriculum Committee recommendation, Executive Vice President Academic Affairs, Board of Trustees (BOT) {2-month process- informational and approval meetings}, Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and Higher Learning Commission (HLC) approvals.
- Will add to the Addendum prior to The Department of Education and Certification Approval Report (ECAR) approval due to the alignment to the stackable academic program. If the new stackable certificate is financial aid eligible, the Department of Education and Certification Approval Report (ECAR) will be submitted.
- The program must have all approvals completed by August 1st to be offered and published in the Catalog of Record Addendum for the Fall semester.
- If an August 1st deadline is not met to offer in the Fall semester, then a November 1st deadline is needed to meet for a Catalog of Record Addendum to offer for the following Spring semester.
- A new Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree that meets the following criteria:
- New AAS degree program that has not been previously offered.
- The new AAS degree program must comprise of existing courses at the college that are up to date in the Catalog of Record and/or comprise of new courses that have been approved by ICCB to be added to the Catalog of Record. New courses are approved at ICCB along with the new program application.
- Includes, Curriculum Committee recommendation, Executive Vice President Academic Affairs, Board of Trustees (BOT) {2-month process- informational and approval meetings}, Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Department of Education Eligibility and Certification Approval Report (ECAR) approvals.
- The program must be financial-aid eligible. Financial-aid eligibility is achieved once the Dept of Education ECAR report is approved with the new program included in it.
- The program must have all approvals completed before the start of the Fall semester to be offered and published in the Catalog of Record Addendum prior to the Fall semester start.
- If a new program does not meet the Fall semester to be offered, then all approvals must be completed before prior to the start of the Spring semester to be offered and published in the Catalog of Record Addendum for the Spring semester.
- New courses starting:
- Any new courses that are offered for the following Spring semester would be beneficial to have in the Catalog Addendum instead of delaying until the next Catalog or Record publishing. In the event a new course can be added to the Fall semester schedule offerings since all approvals have been acquired, those will be added to the addendum as well.
- Revised:
- Revisions of programs and courses that occur after the Catalog of Record publication that goes through the Curriculum Committee recommendation process with the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs approval to be updated in the already published catalog could be considered if the revisions are beneficial to the student and cause no harm for student completion. Such as a course having an IAI code added and/or revised or program accreditation language revisions.
- Corrected:
- Any corrections to a course and/or program so as not to harm a student with the inaccurate published information. Should be minimal going forward with the software in place aligning curriculum, catalog, and the SIS and less manual processes.
The Catalog Addendum Procedure for publicizing on the Addendum page:
- Information to be added to the already published Catalog at the time of the final approval is completed with the following information included:
- Date was added or revised in the published online Catalog
- Catalog of Record for which the addendum applies
- Semester the update takes effect
- If a program is added, the exact information added to the Catalog (example: New certificate program: ___________________________________________________ in the Academic Program/Area of Study by Career Clusters: __________________________________________________________________.
Curriculum and Scheduling Office will communicate the Catalog Addendum(s) publications to the following departments/staff: (will be via email unless other process to provide communication is identified as in a Coursedog Curriculum workflow notification) as relevant regarding new programs:
- Director of Advising (Advising Office)
- Dean of Students (advising/transfer)
- Dean of Enrollment Services (enrollment/ student financial services/ financial aid)
- Deans of Academic Departments (scheduling and recruitment/promotions)
- Deans of Workforce Division (related programs/Early College opportunities)
- Deans of Academic Affairs (scheduling/student services needs)
- Director of Admissions (communication/student recruitment)
- Director of Marketing (communication/marketing materials)
- Director of Financial Aid (financial aid awards)
- Director of Enterprise Systems (website applications, SIS processes)
- Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs (governance)
- Vice President of Student Success (governance)
Additional Provisions/Information
Timelines for publications of curricular-related items will occur when all approvals have been received and takes effect no later than the start of the next semester. Corrections that are statutorily required will be handled as required outside of these deadlines.