Catalog and Student Handbook (formerly Catalog of Record)


The Catalog and Student Handbook is a collaborative online document that represents academic and student requirements for an academic year. The document serves as the permanent record for students entering a program of study and an annual guide for student rights and responsibilities.


Department: Academic Affairs & Student Success
Effective Date: 11/27/2023
Revised Date
Cabinet Approval Date: 11/27/2023
Next Review Date: 12/2026
Responsible Cabinet Member: Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs & Vice President of Student Success
Approved By: Sheila Quirk-Bailey 

Operational Standard/Purpose

The Catalog and Student Handbook is a collaborative online document that represents academic and student requirements for an academic year. The document serves as the permanent record for students entering a program of study and an annual guide for student rights and responsibilities.

The purpose of the college catalog is to provide academic-related information, policies, and procedures to all stakeholders. The purpose of the student handbook is to provide student-related information, policies, and procedures to enrolled students.

The Catalog and Student Handbook is a resource for all students, containing:

  • Admission requirements, career information, and the courses required for each Illinois Central College degree and certificate.
  • The description for each course.
  • Information on student support services.
  • A list of full-time faculty and administration with their credentials.  

ICCB Administrative Rules, Section 1501.204 Maintenance of Documents or Information: “The district shall maintain the following documents for information: (d) college catalog or other written information on course listings, programs, admission requirements, grading system, financial aid, and graduation requirements.”  

HLC Assumed Practices, Number CRRT.B.10.020, A. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct 

“ The institution provides its students, administrators, faculty, and staff with policies and procedures informing them of their rights and responsibilities within the institution. The institution makes readily available to students and to the general public clear and complete information including: 

  1. statements of mission, vision, and values
  2. full descriptions of the requirements for its programs, including all pre-requisite courses 
  3. requirements for admission both to the institution and to particular programs or majors 
  4. its policies on acceptance of transfer credit, including how the institution applies such credit to its degree requirements. (Except for courses articulated through transfer policies or institutional agreements, the institution makes no promises to prospective students regarding the acceptance of credit awarded by examination, credit for prior learning, or credit for transfer until the institution has conducted an evaluation of such students' credits in accordance with its transfer policies.) 
  5. all student costs, including tuition, fees, training, and incidentals; its financial aid policies, practices, and requirements; and its policy on refunds
  6. policies regarding academic good standing, probation, and dismissal; residency or enrollment requirements (if any)
  7. a full list of its instructors and their academic credentials
  8. its relationship with any parent organization (corporation, hospital, or church, or other entity that owns the institution) and any external providers of its instruction. “ 


Academic Affairs and the Chief Academic Officer, with input from faculty and administration, own the catalog. The Dean of Students and the Vice President of Student Success own the student handbook. The combined document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract. Illinois Central College makes every reasonable effort to determine the catalog and student handbook is accurate when published. However, the College reserves the right to change, modify, or alter without notice all fees, charges, tuition, expenses, and costs of any kind and further reserves the right to add or delete without notice any course offering or information contained in this catalog and student handbook, including the rules controlling admission to, instruction in, and graduation from College or its various divisions. Such changes become effective whenever the College deems necessary and apply not only to prospective students but also to those currently enrolled. 


  1. ICC currently operates on a one-year timeline in regard to Catalog of Record and Student Handbook. Each spring a new catalog and student handbook is developed that guides the academic and student policies for the following year from the start of the fall semester through the end of the following summer semester.
    1. The catalog of record and student handbook will be published each March to align with the fall semester advising session.
  2. The Catalog of Record and Student Handbook is developed each year with changes from the prior year taken into account. 
  3. Academic information related to program requirements is updated based upon curricular changes that have been presented and are approved by the College Curriculum Committee, the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs (EVPAA), the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
    1. Curricular programs and/or plans of study (Certificates, Associate in Applied Science, Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in General Studies, Associate in Engineering Science) effective dates should align with the publishing of the Catalog of Record dates and to meet the approval deadlines of the college, accrediting and regulatory agencies. The Fall semester is when all curricular programs effective dates should occur.
    2. Curricular programs and /or plans of study (Certificates, Associate in Applied Science, Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in General Studies, Associate in Engineering Science) approval dates will be entered/recorded with the effective date of July 1 (7/1) in all systems (Coursedog, Peoplesoft, ICCB, HLC, Dept. of Education- ECAR report) to reflect the Fall semester start date.
  4. Academic Standards Committee approves or affirms academic policies and procedures such as Academic Misconduct, Placement Standards or Grading Policies.
  5. General Education Committee approves or affirms general education requirements for degrees for the Catalog.
  6. Auxiliary information is updated with the assistance of the departments or individuals tasked with the oversight of each area.
  7. The Curriculum and Scheduling Services office is responsible for the compilation of all data for the Catalog of Record. The Dean of Students’ office is responsible for the compilation of all data for the Student Handbook.
  8. Once completed, the Catalog and Student Handbook will be provided to students via a link in the student communication and to faculty and staff via a link in the staff communication.
  9. The Curriculum and Scheduling office will create a Catalog of Record Addendum if needed. See Catalog of Record Addendum SOP.

Additional Provisions/Information

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Article ID: 17557
Tue 12/5/23 4:02 PM
Mon 3/25/24 4:50 PM

